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LeeLoo and Sugar: Harlequin and Merle Great Dane
Harlequin and Merle Great Dane

Oh How the Tides Have Changed

I know I just posted this morning, but this evenings happenings were just too amusing not to share.

LeeLoo came in from the woods smelling like death. I'm assuming her and Sugar got something (hopefully not my cute little groundhog) and they are storing it in there. [We gots the big monster, it smelleded so good before Sugar played with it, but nows its sleepin' for a few days...Wow. You's peoples should spray yourselfs with that steada that stuff Momma uses.]

She crawled up on the couch, and there was no way she was staying in my house, let alone on my furniture smelling like that. [I showed Momma hows good I's smell after I snuggles with my sleepy friend. I think hers liked it too, she had Daddy and Justice smell me too.] I prepared myself for the battle of bathing her. It has been a while since she had a bath and she's a lot bigger, but a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do.

[Momma tooked me up to the potty room, I likes to push the door open so's I can check on Momma, but I is a little scared to go the whole ways in. Last time, Momma was mean to me and tried to drowned me.] I had everything ready, and I called her in. She came hesitantly, and I used my really high pitched happy voice and gave the "get in" command as I lifted her in. [Momma was so excited to put me in the drowning hole, I not want to make her sad, so I got in. I was so brave, I nots want to drown, but I didn't even jump out.]

She tested her limits to see if she could get out, so I figured rather than fight her. I just stepped in with her and shut the shower doors. As soon as I stepped in she tensed and lowered her body. I wasn't sure if she was going to try and bum rush me or she was just that terrified, so I used my happy sing songy voice, poured some water on her and vigourously rubbed her back. She went like one step tenser and then [Oh my Goshness!!!! Why oh why did Momma not tells me what a super fun place the drowning hole is. The wets was so warm on my toes. I just wants to runs and runs. I tried to hold it back, but I gots to be free, I gots to be me! I runs and runs around Momma, and she just laughed and laughed, and poured more wets on me.]

Oh my silly little girl was running laps in the tub, I was soaked but I couldn't stop laughing. Then she took another lap and pushed her whole head underwater and kept it under for probably half a lap. [It's so great in here, I puts my head in the wets stuff to see if I can runs farther. I nots see anything. But I kept trying.]

[I hads an idea, I would digs and make it bigger! I tried one corner, then the others. Momma kepts pulling me back, but hers wasn't mad she was laughing. I think hers was trying to show me where to dig. I tried. I try again next time too. Daddy musta heard us having fun cause he comed up and look in. I showed him hows I was tryin' to make it bigger. He laughed too.] Chuckie finally heard the chaos and came up. I was hoping he brought his phone because it would have been awesome to video her. Although the digging I could have done without since she got my feet a few times. The snorkeling was beyond hysterical too. Butt way up in the air, tail wagging, whole face underwater, running full speed in circles around the tub. I hated to have to get her out, she was having so much fun.

I got her dried off, and she ran some more laps downstairs. Then next thing I knew she took off up the stairs and tried to get back in the tub. [I wasn't done playing in the drowning hole and Momma made me get out. When we gots downstairs, I runned and runned but it wasn't as much fun as in the wets stuff.]

[I wants to do it again, I tried to get back in but all the wets stuff was gone.] She had such a wonderful time and had me cracking up so much, I definitely need to get it on video. I told Chuckie I'm going to put her in again tomorrow night, I just won't use shampoo. So hopefully, this time tomorrow I'll have a video of my water baby!

Meet LeeLoo's parents 

We are Jen and Chuckie

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