Did That Really Come Out of My Mouth?
Have you ever said something and immediately realized that if someone else heard you, they would be coming for you with a straight jacket?

Since LeeLoo has come home it's happening quite a lot.

"Stop biting my boob!" That's what I said this afternoon. Nope, nothing kinky or fun. Little Miss LeeLoo thought she had found herself a new toy. After I said it, I realized just how often these weird awkward phrases are leaving my mouth.
If my house were bugged, I'm sure the people listening would think I had a pornographic bath salt using freak living with me.
Some of these phrases include: "Stop eating her face", "Get out of her hoo-hoo", "Let go of her throat", "Get her head out of your mouth", and of course "Stop biting my boob."

So if you happen to be passing my house and you hear me yelling any of the following, know I didn't get a new freaky roommate and I'm not losing my mind. I have LeeLoo!